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8th International Conference on Urban Watershed Management




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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

8:30 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:40 am
Opening Ceremonies –Pengfei Du, Tsinghua University, China (Chair)
 (Conference Hall)
9:40 am – 10:00 am
Keynote#1: Ursula Schaefer-Preuss, Asian Development Bank
(Conference Hall)Title
Coffee Break and Photo Session
Keynote #2: Jining Chen, Tsinghua University, China
 (Conference Hall)Title
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Keynote #3: Daniel P. Loucks, Cornell University, USA
Challenges to Water Resource Professionals – The Increasing Uncertainties in Water Supply and Demand
11:30 am – 12:00 am
Keynote#4: Shaw L Yu, University of Virginia, USA
Modeling Tools for Quantification of Green Infrastructure Benefits
(Conference Hall)
12:00 pm – 1: 30 pm
Lunch Break
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Keynote #5: Bruce Beck, University of Georgia, USA
Water — and nutrient and energy — systems in rapidly urbanizing areas
(Conference Hall)
2:00pm - 3:40 pm
Session A1: Urban Runoff Characteristics
Chair: Shaw L. Yu
(Conference Hall)
Wen Li
Temporal effects of heavy metal pollution in stormwater runoff from an urban region
Liqing Li
Stormwater runoff pollution loads from an urban catchment with rainy climate in China
Amarpreet S
Stormwater characterization at urban sub-watershed level for the Patiala city, Punjab (India)
Chaopu Ti
Characteristics of nitrogen budgets and riverine nitrogen load in two comparing areas in eastern china
Session B1: Urban Water Infrastructure I
Chair: Earles, T. A.
(Room 120A)
T. Andrew Earles
Denver urban drainage and flood control district urban storm drainage criteria manual
Weihua Zeng
Research on dynamic simulating model of city water metabolism system
Cheng Gao
Strategies of flood hydrograph restoration in urban area
Selma Ayaz
The leachate effect on urban wastewater treatment plant for differently urbanized watersheds in Turkey
Session C1: General Water Environment
Chair: Richard Stanford
(Room 120B)
Tian Hao
Water environment security indicator system for urban water management
J. Sansalone
Myths and measurements of stormwater treatment
Richard L. Stanford
A case study of suburban infill redevelopment, stormwater challenges, and public cooperation
Zhuojin Guan
Change trend of groundwater and analysis of water resources equilibrium in Beijing China
Session D :International Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
 (Room 205)
Topic: How does water management impact on food and energy security in Asia?
3:40 pm-4:00pm
Coffee Break
4:00 pm– 5:40pm
Session A2: NPS & BMP Modeling
Chair: Hanchang Shi
(Room )
Guoxian Huang
The variation trend of water flow, sediment transport, and water quality in Poyang Lake basin caused by the mankind activities and natural changes (1956-2008)
Zhiyi Li
Study on modeling agricultural non-point source pollution in China heavy rainfall coastal areas
J. Sansalone
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of stormwater unit operations
Hanchang Shi
Simulation and control methods for the optimized operation of wastewater treatment process
Session B2: Treatment Technology
Chair: Hu, J.
Jiangyong Hu
Effect of water quality on performance of integrated UV disinfection system
Lu Zhou
The modified-fault tree analysis for total nitrogen removal based on reliability operation in sewage treatment system
Feng Zhao
Physiological response and pollutant removal efficiency of Pontederia cordata to urban polluted river water under aeration condition
E. E. Chang
Single and multi-component adsorption of acetaminophen, caffeine, diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole from aqueous solution onto granular activated carbon
Session C2: Rainwater/Wastewater Utilization
Chair: Ong, S. L.
Lee L.Y.
Used water - renewable resource through technologies
Junqi Li
Guarantee rate analysis of water supply from rainwater harvesting system for watering green areas: Case study in Beijing
Chun Baek
Potential of roof rainwater collecting systems in the arid and semi-arid area of western Australia
Yun Gao
Management system of urban surface water in China
Session D :International Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
(Room 205)
Topic: How does water management impact on food and energy security in Asia?
7:00pm – 9:00 pm
Conference Dinner

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

8:30 am– 9:00am
Keynote#6: Jun Xia
Integrated Assessment and Management for Water Quality & Quantity: Case Studies in North China
(Conference Hall)
9:00 am – 10:20 am
Session A3: Low Impact Development I
Chair: Coffman, L.
Larry S. Coffman
Low impact development a comprehensive decentralized approach to urban stormwater management
Richard L. Stanford
The use of LID as an alternative to traditional stormwater management practices in Takoma Park, Maryland
Yingying Meng
Hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of urban road stormwater bioretention systems at the small scale and the pilot scale
Soonseok Kim
Application of permeable pavement to enhance infiltration of stormwater runoff
Session B3: River/Lake Water Quality
Chair: Chiang, PC
Guoxian Huang
Water quality variation processes in the Poyang Lake and river networks by the different operation schemes of Poyang Lake Project
Yanjun Zhang
The effect evaluation of pollution flushing for improving water quality in Wenruitang River, China
Chih-Feng Chen
Composition and source of butyltins in sediments at river mouths and channel in Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan
S.L. Lo
Treatment of semiconductor wastewater by electro-coagulation-flotation process
Session C3: Research, Policy and Regulatory Aspects
Chair: Tafuri, A.
Anthony N. Tafuri
Treatability aspects of urban stormwater stressors
Junqi Li
Enlightenments from incentive mechanisms of stormwater management policies in the United States
Hong Mu
Water resources and environmental management of Cities in the Beijing river basin: A pilot project
Kelly B. Schnare
Prioritizing natural capital
Session D :International Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
 (Room 205)
Topic: How can the water-food-energy security nexus be measured and managed?
Coffee Break
4:00 pm – 5:40 pm
Session A4: LID/Green Infrastructure
 Chair: Field, R.
(Room )
Richard Field
Application of green infrastructure for combined sewer overflow Kansas city, MO
Richard L. Stanford
Performance evaluation of different green roof designs – Chengdu, China
Ruifen Liu
Stormwater runoff modeling from living roofs: Is C or CN appropriate?
Larry S. Coffman
High performance bio-filtration media for bacteria, heavy metal and other pollutant removal from stormwater runoff
Session B4: Urban Water infrastructure II
 Chair: Ports, M.
Michael A. Ports
Selecting and prioritizing green infrastructure in combined sewer catchments
Naira Harutyunyan
Impact of governance structure on water utility performance: Evidence from Armenia
General picture of domestic wastewater pollution and future WWTP investment planning for Marmara basin, turkey
Anwar Khursheed
Operation and maintenance of sewerage systems: Present challenges and possible alternatives- an Indian experience
Session C4: Sustainable Water Resources
Chair: Heaney, J.
James P. Heaney
International perspective on urban water conservation
Neela P. Babu
Capacity planning under nonstationary uncertainties
Golda A. Edwin
Environmental impacts of waste waters in urban habitats of Puducherry region and its sustainable management and reuse: A case study
Muthu Nandhivarman
Water footprinting as a tool for sustainable management of ground water resources in Pondicherry University, India
Session D :International Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
(Room 205)
Topic: How can the water-food-energy security nexus be measured and managed?
Lunch Break
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Keynote #7 – P. C. Chiang
Integrated Watershed Management: Eco-conservation Approaches and Tools
(Conference Hall)
4:00 pm – 5:40 pm
2: 00 pm - 3: 20pm
Session A5: BMP Performance
Chair: Yu, S. L.
Jia Ma
Field studies of urban runoff phosphorus treatment using adsorptive filter media
Ru Zhang
A comparative study on nitrogen removal efficiency and spatial distribution in wetland systems
Jianghua Yu
Treatment study of non-point pollutants from bridge by hydrocyclone using natural free energy
Marla C. Maniquiz
Flow and mass balance analysis of a structured stormwater infiltration system
Session B5: Water Quality Modeling –
Chair: Jian Shen
Jian Shen
Influence of benthic community and phytoplankton on dissolved oxygen in the Thalia Creek of the Lynnhaven River
Dacheng Xiao
Integrated hydrodynamic and water quality simulation in Fuzhou section of Minjiang river
Chifeng Chen
Predicting water quality by modeling land use change – case study on Feitsui reservoir watershed, Taiwan
Cong Yang
Hydrodynamic –water quality coupling model of Luzhi river network and scenarios analysis for water environment improvement
Session C5: Water Pollution Control – Chair: Zeng Siyu
Long Wang
Estimation of long-term urban storm water quality by using analytical probabilistic model
Po-Yen Hsieh
Natural background concentrations of nutrients in the Tamsui river, Taiwan
Muthu Nandhivarman
Evolving a water policy framework 2011 for green campus initiative-a case study of Pondicherry University, India
I. Choi
Development of LOC-based sensor technology for adaptive water quality management
Session D :IInternational Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
(Room 205)
Topic: What should leaders do to tackle the water-food-energy security nexus?
                                               Coffee Break                                                           
4:00 pm – 5:40 pm
3: 40 pm-5:00pm
Session A6: NPS/TMDL
Chair: Jia Haifeng
(Room )
Jianghua Yu
Characteristics of pollutants behavoir in stormwater constructed wetland during dry days
Yu Guo
An approach of pollutants loads allocation in lakes or reservoirs watershed and the case study of Chaihe reservoir
OnYu Kang
Determination of key sensor locations for non-point pollutant source management in sewer network
Session B6: General Water Quality
 Chair: Zhenyao Shen
Yang Yu
Degradation of inorganic nitrogen in Beiyun River of Beijing, China
Haichao Wang
Pollution control technology of urban rivers and lakes multi-water replenishment
Baohua Li
Distribution and inventories of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of the Yangtze Estuary
Lu Zhou
Algal bloom occurrence and control through algaecides in landscape urban lake supplemented by reclaimed water
Session D :International Workshop on the Water-Food-Energy Security Nexus in Asia
(Room 205)
Topic: What should leaders do to tackle the water-food-energy security nexus?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

8:00 am – 12:00 am
Technical tour :Beijing Olympic Forest Park
The Beijing Olympic Forest Park (OFP), with an area of 6.8 km2, is the largest green space in Beijing. The OFP design philosophy merges traditional Chinese landscape arts with contemporary design concepts and ecological techniques. The OFP was designed with a goal of achieving sustainability with respect to material, energy and water resource. For example, OFP has many “green” stormwater management practices, such as wetlands and ponds, infiltration trenches, sand filters and porous pavements. A picture of the OFP is shown below.   



主題:打造新質(zhì)供水 助力區(qū)

時間:09月25日-27日 地點:沈陽富力萬達文華
